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Using your confidence


So far we have considered:

· What you want to achieve – your goals

· What confidence means to you – your definition

· What you know to be true about yourself – your personal identity

· How you feel in any given moment, and how you feel about your truths

In this last piece on confidence, its time to return to your goals.

When you think about the goals you created previously, how do you feel about them now?

How do your goals sit with your statements of truth?

If you feel positive about them, then your next step is to consider how your truths will help you achieve your goals. How can you use those things that you know to be true of yourself to take positive action.

Whether you achieve success quickly or whether it takes a little longer, it doesn’t matter because you can always come back to what you know of yourself, whatever happens, they will still be there. And even if they evolve or change, your new truths will be there for you.

If you are feeling less comfortable with your goals, it might be that your goals need adjusting. At this stage it is quite normal for people to realise that what they’re striving for is out of step with who they are. Many of us strive for something we believe we should strive for, and wonder why we never seem to achieve it, only to discover we never really wanted it in the first place. Discovering this is a good thing, as it presents an opportunity to create a goal that is bespoke and meaningful to you, and that you can deliver on.

Businesses spend hours, and sometimes lots of money defining their ‘brand’, who they are, what’s important to them, and what they stand for. In business if the branding is contrived, the business will fail to deliver on its own promises, customers lose confidence in their offering, and take their custom and money elsewhere.

As an individual, if you are not sure who you are, what you believe in, or stand for, then others might become confused too, and you find yourself being passed over for promotions, experiencing difficulties in relationships, or discontent.

This is a process you can repeat whenever you get a sense that your life is out of kilter. As we grow and experience life, our priorities, capabilities, knowledge and understanding changes, and with that so might your goals. The changes can be very subtle, so don’t get noticed daily, until there is a significant mismatch. That’s when time to reflect can help redress the balance and get you back on an even keel.

My posts over the last 5 weeks have been very simplistic, I don’t claim that the exercises or questions are easy to complete or answer. A qualified coach would be able to support you through the process. Please see my website for guidance on how to identify the right coach for you. and drop me a line if the articles have triggered an interest in you and you’d like to discuss ways to continue growing your confidence.

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